Stockton Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Written by: Steven L. Brown

motorcycle accident

Riding a motorcycle can be fun and exciting. Motorcycles are also an economical way to travel when compared to larger motor vehicles. Unfortunately, they can also be much more dangerous because of the carelessness of other drivers. Motorcycle riders are often the victims of accidents caused by other drivers who are not careful. Lack of visibility, lane changing, right-of-way, and speeding are common factors in motorcycle accidents. Additionally, in these accidents, the victims often suffer serious injuries that require extensive medical treatment. 

If you or a loved one is dealing with injuries due to a motorcycle accident, the personal injury motorcycle accident attorneys at Brown & Gessell in Stockton, CA are ready to help you get the compensation you deserve. Reach out to us today.

Why choose Brown & Gessell to represent you in the San Joaquin Valley?

The attorneys at Brown & Gessell will address your questions and concerns regarding your rights after a motorcycle accident. We have the legal expertise to ensure you are compensated fairly. We have handled hundreds of accident cases, many of which involved motorcycles. 

You can be certain that the driver of the vehicle who caused the accident will have an attorney representing his interests. It is important that you have someone on your side who is looking out for you. Call us now at (209) 430-5480.

Brown & Gessell: Your Stockton Motorcycle Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one have suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident in Stockton, the partners at Brown & Gessell are uniquely qualified to handle your case because we are intimately familiar with the city’s courts, judges, and staff.

Douglas A. Gessell was raised in San Joaquin County and has represented accident victims in Stockton for 12 years. Steven L. Brown has raised his family for the last 20 years in the County and is the past President and a member of the San Joaquin County Bar Association’s board of directors, and a past member of the American Inn of Courts. Their familiarity with the area allows them a very personal insight into your motorcycle accident case. Start your case with an advantage and call us today.

In California, Special Laws Apply to Motorcycle Riders

The lawmakers in California have established an intricate set of laws that apply specifically to motorcycle riders. These laws cover such areas as:

  • The protective equipment required to operate a motorcycle;
  • The places on the road where motorcycle riders may go;
  • The types of motorcycles that may be operated on the road;
  • The signaling requirements for motorcycle riders; and
  • The comparative responsibility of car drivers and motorcycle riders.

These and other areas of law may determine whether a victim of an accident will be awarded compensation. The attorneys at Brown & Gessell are familiar with these special laws and their application to the real-life accidents on our highways. 

We are the legal team you need to fight for compensation after being injured in a motorcycle accident. Set up a consultation today.

We Will Build a Strong Case for Your Motorcycle Accident

Gathering Evidence

At Brown & Gessell, your attorney will prepare a claim against the driver who caused your injuries or the insurance company. We will start by gathering all evidence, including your medical records, pictures or videos taken at the accident scene, testimony from witnesses, police reports, and information you provide regarding wages you have lost as you recovered from your injuries.

Determining the Value of Your Claim

To determine the value of your claim, your attorney will add all economic damages, including medical bills, wages and other income lost, and pain and suffering you have experienced and will experience in the future. We will not rest until you have received the compensation you deserve.

Filing a Suit

Your motorcycle accident lawyers will file a claim on your behalf, filing all documents in a timely manner. We are also prepared to negotiate with the insurance company or its adjuster to ensure the award is fair and covers your needs after a car accident. If the negotiations lead nowhere, we will take your case to trial and defend your rights in court by letting a jury decide what is fair.

Proving Liability in a Motorcycle Accident

Four basic elements must be proven to win a lawsuit against whoever caused your injuries. These are:

Duty – The defendant owes you a duty of care which means that the driver must drive carefully and reasonably. Driving negligently is the equivalent of putting the safety of other drivers and motorists on the road at risk.

Breach – The defendant has breached the duty of care by failing to act as a reasonable driver would under the circumstances.  This can also be shown by a specific violation of a vehicle code section.

Causation – The actions by the defendant were the direct cause of your injuries and other damages.

Damages – As a result of the motorcycle accident, you suffered damages, including your injuries, any economic losses, and pain and suffering.

At Brown & Gessell, we will work tirelessly to ensure the other driver is held responsible for your injuries and losses. And if you have any questions at any point, we are always accessible and ready to address your concerns.

Negotiating with the Insurance Company

Insurance companies have only one goal:  to keep their money.  If you have ever tried to negotiate with an insurance company, you have likely found that it can be very frustrating.  Often times, the adjuster from the insurance company will not offer a fair settlement unless he knows that, if the case does not settle, it will be presented to a jury. 

For that reason, it is important that you have someone on your side that can negotiate a fair settlement.  The insurance companies know that if they do not offer a fair amount in settlement negotiations, we will take the case to trial.  This fact makes it easier for us to negotiate with the big insurance companies and get a fair settlement.  

There Is a Short Window of Time to File a Claim

The statute of limitations in personal injury cases can be complicated to figure out. In California, most injured parties have two years to file a claim from the date of the motorcycle accident unless some exception applies.  In other cases, like claims against a government entity, the time to file a claim can be as little as six months. Waiting too long to contact us regarding your motorcycle case may jeopardize your claim. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, call us as soon as possible to make sure you preserve your claim. 

We believe that all accident victims have rights that need to be protected, and we work on a contingency basis. This means that we will not collect unless we secure a financial award for you. Call us to speak with our Stockton motorcycle accident attorney today.